Thursday, May 21, 2009

The future is going to be bright!

Life in 2020, I have a great feeling will be way different than it is right now in 2009. In the past decade the internet has already became a major resource for many people, company's and programs, and even some schools. I have a feeling there isn't going to be many schools around because people will be using the internet. Either that or everything in school is going to be electronically. I have a feeling nobody will be talking to each other because the way to communicate will be through the internet. It is going to be very interesting to see what life will be like in 2020. It's going to be a dream becoming reality.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome Mary to Planet Earth!

Seventeen, in my collection of them I get each month that sits on my floor. On the cover of the Seventeen Magazine is a picture of the most popular boys in teen music right now. She will learn from the cover of this magazine what is new this month and what things is a priority in our world. She will learn that media is all about image and how to find a perfect match! It won't take her long to learn how things go on planet Earth. The majority of the articles are about appearance, beauty, style, and how to get a beach body for summer. Mary will soon learn that if she wants to fit in she will want to follow these things in these magazines. My advice to you, Mary is to bring your own self here and don't let the Media control you! They are dressed the best of the best ever, with new fashioned clothes and the most expensive ones out there as well. Fashion is very hard to find in stores around you. They try to tell you to buy the best ones out of the magazine and if you get the clothes you will be looking fly! Mary will learn that the Media will try to control her but she shouldn't let them. I guarantee that American's don't look the way they do in the magazines. Everything about them is changed to look the best for the world. Mary will see a totally different selection of people at just a local mall! She will see nothing like she does in this magazine, people don't care what they look like and she will wonder why people in the magazine look so "fake". American's desire the way they look and they have to look their best for the public. Nobody in the Magazine is themselves because everything is edited to look to best that it can! Mary may try to fit in by buying some of these products at first but in the end she will miss the way things used to be at her planet and will bring that fashion, style and culture over here. This magazine is meant to be more feminine than masculine. They may put a picture of boys on the cover like they did this time to get the girl's eyes a little quicker than normal. All their products they are trying to sell are for girls/women and I don't see anything in there for boys/men. To make America happy it doesn't take much, just put some cute products in there, and make the people look perfect is the only way. People see the products on the "perfect" people and think it will be a perfect look for them as well. That is how they get their product bought by advertising it the wrong way. I think she learned a lot just from this magazine but since she is knew to planet earth. She may look at some different types of magazine or listen to the TV or anything else that is impacted by the media to get a different perspective as well. She may get scared by some things but I think she will like it here or she may even go home because it is so different from where her home planet is.

America's Next Top Model

Each season of America's Next Top Models thousands of women try out. Anywhere between 10-14 women make it into the cast. No men try out for this because throughout the years of the shows, this show isn't geared towards men. The ages for the show are anywhere between 19 to 24 years old but I'm sure there can be older ones there as well. This show makes you put your whole heart into it, and make sure you perform your best 24-7. If you don't do what you are told you could be in the bottom two and either you or the other person will be cut.

There isn't any so called model's overweight but they are very skinny every time I watch the show. The boss of the show is Tyra Banks which is a former winner of America's Next Top Model. She puts a lot of effort into the show and making each and every person put their whole heart into the competition. If I was a contestant of this show I don't think I would be able to put up with Tyra and the judges when it comes down to judging. They are so cruel and it would put me down and not want me to be taken as something I'm not. The dress different each and every different role they play for in that day. I think the less clothes the better is eager to this show. I can't believe they get away with some of the stuff they do to the girls in their end picture for the end of the day!

The women are portrayed the same on a weekly basis. They dress up, get their hair and make up done and basically turn out to be totally different people then they are in the long run! For the part that I can tell the women are all straight and have a lot of drama! The audience is pretty much geared towards anybody who wants to watch it, I think. I would recommend it to pretty much everybody! It is a fun show to watch!!

Overall, I don't believe women are portrayed correctly at all. I know for a fact the women aren't the true person they are before each and every task that they go through. Between all the makeup and the different styles of hair they go through they defiantly aren't the same person in the end. It takes me until they say the woman's name to realize who the true person is. It is kind of sad that they can not have their true beauty when the compete the be America's Next Top Model.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Super Bowl

I don't think the Super Bowl cares what is being advertised because they still get paid the same. My opinion is they don't even look at what's being sold because their spot for commercials are still being filled. Weather it's good or bad they are still going to put it in because its being put in, in a positive way. The people selling the product to put it out there for the other people but don't gear it towards younger viewers at the same time. They probably hope that young kids make wise decisions and won't drink alcohol just because of the positive ad.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Your Vote

Unfortunatly I am not old enough to vote yet, so I don't really follow the Presidental elections that closely. I am not very independent on who to vote for so who ever everyone else wants to vote for that's how I would! I'm sure as time goes on and I get old enough to vote which is in a few years I will pay more close attention and than I will make a great citizen decision.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I think the real question isn't what the person looks like, what they dress like or anything like that. The real question about becoming a President is weather or not they will make good choices for the country and be able to handle anything that comes their way. They may be used to just taking care of themselves and their family or friends but now they have millions of friends and family that will rely on them with every move they make. Everything they do or say from the time they start running for election reflects back to us. They better be ready for anything that comes their way!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Downloading Music!

Okay, I will admit I have never stole music illegally, but I know a handful of people who have! I think it is totally wrong and knowing me I would be the one to get caught. There are so many reasons why people shouldn't steal. It's a lot of money you would have to pay if you get caught and you are pretty much stealing. Do you see anybody stealing stuff out of stores and getting away with it? No, nobody should be able to get away with stealing. If you still to this day steal, step up and admit it and than stop your habit now. It will make everyone's life better by taking this step to stop stealing music. If we want it to stay around we need to do this asap and take a stand!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Teenage Music

I remember the music of my teenage years very clearly. It was a big part of my life, I ate, slept, dreamed about music 24-7. Music helped me through the tough times and the awesome times! I wasn't very picky about what I listened to but I couldn't stand the screamo stuff!!
I think the most popular music of my time is hip-hop and rock. They were my favorites back in the day. I loved to dance to the beat and sing songs in the car. Blasting the radio when nobody's around and being myself when my favorite song came on. Country was still around. I grew up listening to it, but as I grew older those songs made me want to go to sleep. I needed something to spice up my life so I started to listen to hip-hop and R&B more and more! Every so often I would listen to Country music but not very often at all!!
The differences in the music styles from my parents geration to mine is completely different. My parents like the oldies and slow country. I liked to tease my mom expecially about the whole music situation. She wouldn't get away and explore the real world of music. She was so addicted to Country and nothing but that. Everyonce in a blue moon she would leave my station on while we were in the car. One time she told me, "hey this isn't so bad" I told her, "Yeah, maybe if you get into the present music you would like it more!" She laughed at that remark. My dad listened would listen to anything I do now, of course he has his times when he goes back to his childhood music. It is crazy how decades can change the styles and meaning of music.
The music with the heavy beats, with bad language, and the ones that are against someones viewings on people make the older generation go crazy. They thought it was super bad and nobody should listen to it. I think that is because they didn't have this kind of music so they weren't used to it!! They weren't born and raised to listen to the types of music we did, and they were grumpy about change.
It's amazing how different people can adapt to different types of music that other may love or other's may dislike. As you can see, music effects people differently than others. Everyone has their own prefrence of what they liked to listen to! I couldn't imagine life without music. It kept me going in this crazy thing called life. I had a wide range of music I listen to for different types of moods I was in. I have a Deaf best friend, and when we were on long car rides and I turned the radio on I couldn't imagine not listening to music. Without the radio it makes the drive very boring. If the radio isn't on I have my ipod blasting in my ears. Music is always going to be in my life whether is was the styles from years ago, now, or in the future.