Monday, March 16, 2009

Your Vote

Unfortunatly I am not old enough to vote yet, so I don't really follow the Presidental elections that closely. I am not very independent on who to vote for so who ever everyone else wants to vote for that's how I would! I'm sure as time goes on and I get old enough to vote which is in a few years I will pay more close attention and than I will make a great citizen decision.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I think the real question isn't what the person looks like, what they dress like or anything like that. The real question about becoming a President is weather or not they will make good choices for the country and be able to handle anything that comes their way. They may be used to just taking care of themselves and their family or friends but now they have millions of friends and family that will rely on them with every move they make. Everything they do or say from the time they start running for election reflects back to us. They better be ready for anything that comes their way!