Monday, February 23, 2009

My Teenage Music

I remember the music of my teenage years very clearly. It was a big part of my life, I ate, slept, dreamed about music 24-7. Music helped me through the tough times and the awesome times! I wasn't very picky about what I listened to but I couldn't stand the screamo stuff!!
I think the most popular music of my time is hip-hop and rock. They were my favorites back in the day. I loved to dance to the beat and sing songs in the car. Blasting the radio when nobody's around and being myself when my favorite song came on. Country was still around. I grew up listening to it, but as I grew older those songs made me want to go to sleep. I needed something to spice up my life so I started to listen to hip-hop and R&B more and more! Every so often I would listen to Country music but not very often at all!!
The differences in the music styles from my parents geration to mine is completely different. My parents like the oldies and slow country. I liked to tease my mom expecially about the whole music situation. She wouldn't get away and explore the real world of music. She was so addicted to Country and nothing but that. Everyonce in a blue moon she would leave my station on while we were in the car. One time she told me, "hey this isn't so bad" I told her, "Yeah, maybe if you get into the present music you would like it more!" She laughed at that remark. My dad listened would listen to anything I do now, of course he has his times when he goes back to his childhood music. It is crazy how decades can change the styles and meaning of music.
The music with the heavy beats, with bad language, and the ones that are against someones viewings on people make the older generation go crazy. They thought it was super bad and nobody should listen to it. I think that is because they didn't have this kind of music so they weren't used to it!! They weren't born and raised to listen to the types of music we did, and they were grumpy about change.
It's amazing how different people can adapt to different types of music that other may love or other's may dislike. As you can see, music effects people differently than others. Everyone has their own prefrence of what they liked to listen to! I couldn't imagine life without music. It kept me going in this crazy thing called life. I had a wide range of music I listen to for different types of moods I was in. I have a Deaf best friend, and when we were on long car rides and I turned the radio on I couldn't imagine not listening to music. Without the radio it makes the drive very boring. If the radio isn't on I have my ipod blasting in my ears. Music is always going to be in my life whether is was the styles from years ago, now, or in the future.

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